Samhain Preparation

@ Lady Bridget 1996

You will need for the altar:

There are parts here for 4 people,

If you have only two people, the HPS can also be the Crone and the HP can also be the Dark Lord, but you may have to give a few lines each to the other to better do the stage directions.

When the coveners go to meet the Crone, she is seated, either on a small stool, or on the ground/floor. Her head is entirely covered with a black veil or lace scarf. In addition to this she is totally covered with a large black cloth (you can use a black sheet, or a blanket if not too heavy). The Crone will lift up the black cloth to cover both herself and the covener she is talking with. This is to add to the mystery, and also to help insure the privacy of what is being said. Many times the Crone will have a message for the covener, and sometimes people can only say how they really feel or what they really fear in the anonymity of total darkness and warmth.

Yellow candles (enough for all participants) and candleholders. You can ask that each person bring their own to the circle.

** Divination tools! **

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